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About Abba Church of Renewed Faith, Non-denominational


Member of the International Council of Community Churches


ABBA Church of Renewed Faith, Non-denominational was founded in March 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. The first church service was held in a shared church space at Bethany Union Community Church located at 1750 W. 103rd Street also located in Chicago. The late Rev. Dr. William O’Donnell was the senior pastor at the time as was considered, rightfully so, to not only be a man of God but was also seen as a community-oriented man of vision who opened his arms and heart to start-up churches. He once stated he thought of Bethany Church as being “an incubator for new churches.”


The first ABBA Church service was held temporarily in the reception hall of Bethany Union Community Church with approximately ten people present and for the next thirteen years, ABBA would hold church services inside Bethany’s sanctuary at 8:00 in the morning. 


Two years later Rev. Catherine Jackson would join ABBA Church to become the assistant pastor with her husband, the late Philip Jackson, also joining her in membership to aid the senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Sharyon Cosey, BCC/APC. 


In January of 2021, ABBA Church decided on a new Beverly Community location for its church although its mission statement remains the same: “Doing the work of God through the Word of God.” All are welcome at ABBA Church of the Renewed Faith, Nondenominational, International Council of Community Churches (ICCC)!

About Reverand Dr. Sharyon Cosey


Reverend Dr. Sharyon Cosey was born in Chicago, Illinois, and was the middle child of her late parents, Binetta & Sammie Lane. She grew up in the Park Manor Community and attended Deneen Elementary and Lindblom High School respectively.


She later graduated from Loyola University with a B.A. degree in English, a Masters from Northeastern University in Inner City Studies, a 2nd Masters (M. Div.) from Chicago Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate in Ministry (D. Min) from McCormick Seminary. She was ordained in 2007 with The International Council of Community Churches (ICCC) & founded Abba Church of Renewed Faith, Nondenominational, and became a board-certified chaplain in 2013 with the Association of Professional Chaplains.


In her spare time, she listens to writes music. She has, to date, written two songs which can be found on YouTube, Spotify & other sites including links on this website: 'Lord, I Need  Blessing' & 'The Blessed Baby King.'

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